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Video Testimonial Services Company Chicago

20 Great Questions to Drive Your Video Testimonial

In order to attract great clients, you need to show that you know how to take care of great clients.  One way to do that is to create engaging video content that features your audience speaking about your services and demonstrating your expertise.

Warm-up questions to get the content flowing:

  1. What is your name and title?
  2. What do you do in your role?
  3. Tell us about the company?
  4. What problem we're you trying to solve?
  5. What was it like before your problem was solved?
  6. Why did you choose us?
  7. If you've used other providers in the past - what was different about our approach?
  8. What sold you on buying from us?
  9. What was the most challenging part of the process?
  10. What have you been able to achieve since working with us?
  11. What about our business, people or service surprised you?
  12. Has our work made your job easier?

Ask Results/Outcome Driven Questions

  1. How has your organization/business been impacted since working with us?
  2. Was there an unexpected benefit you experienced since working with us?
  3. What did you find most valuable about the work we did together?

Questions to Prompt an Endorsement

  1. On a scale of 1-10 how likely are you to recommend us to others?
  2. Have you recommended us to others? Why?


    Additional feedback questions to get into more unique answers and content and :

    1. What are the most important things someone needs to know before they make a similar purchase?
    2. Have changed your approach (or stopped doing something) since you started working with us?
    3. What’s the worse thing that could happen if the company you had hired failed you?

    Once you have answered these questions, you can use the insights gathered to:

    • Create more engaging Home pages by adding pull quotes from the interview and peppering them throughout the page to back up claims you make.
    • Build out your case studies with words and insights from the people on the project.
    • Add some unexpected dynamism to service-level pages by peppering them within the content of that page.
    • Promote these stories and insights in your social media content.

    Unlimited insights

    If you're short on questions, hopefully, this will help you get started. And feel free to bookmark and share this with your team.