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About the Form

Let's build something together.

Welcome to our project intake form! This form exists to help you describe your project. It's most useful if you've already done some planning and thinking about your website.

But don't worry — you don't need to know everything about your site to complete this form. It's not designed to be comprehensive! It's a starting point for our conversation, planning, and estimating. Let's get started.

First, tell us a little more about your business.

Background Information

Background Information

Example: "A simple bulleted or comma separated list will suffice. Please include the organization's name and URL."
Example: "X amount of our revenue comes from (insert service/product). Y amount of our revenue comes from (insert some alternate service/product). Revenue X comes from federal or state funding. Revenue Y comes from our sales team that promotes a fee-for-service offering."
Knowing this helps us understand if there are any recent or upcoming organizational changes we should be aware of.