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2021 Construction Industry Trends on LinkedIn
If you’ve dabbled in social media at all, you know that there are very few hard-and-fast rules. So much of it depends on the platform, industry, audience and objective.
Drawing a blank lately when it comes time to create social media posts for your organization? It's tough to constantly come up with fresh material. But there's hope yet. A few new ideas can go a long way in helping you get out of the content creation rut.
Choosing stock images is easy. Choosing stock images that are visually consistent and on-brand is not as easy. Fortunately, learning a few insider photography tips will help give you a more critical eye when selecting pictures that go together and represent your brand.
When it comes to your company's marketing, do you ever feel like you're building the car while driving it? Making things up as you go along is not the right approach for something as important as the way you portray your brand online. Content governance helps you take the time to standardize content creation to make your marketing strategy more engaging and effective.
There’s no shortage of lists that highlight black-owned restaurants and retail businesses, which is awesome, but they’re just the tip of the iceberg. There are plenty of Chicago black-owned companies offering excellent professional services for other businesses.
If you were one of the millions of Americans who visited the Economic Impact Payments (AKA stimulus payments) portal and experienced frustration and confusion, you're not alone. As designers, content managers and business owners, we can all take a lesson from the IRS's misadventures in user experience to consider ways that we can make using our websites as pain-free as possible.
What can you do to keep your business alive during a massive economic recession? What changes should you be making to your online presence? If these questions are swirling around your head and making you anxious, you’re not alone. We get it, and we want to help. So we’ve compiled a list of tasks you can do now to help your business adapt, advance, and support your customers during these challenging times.
Just like a lot of business owners right now, many non-profit leaders are worried about how the Coronavirus will impact their operations. Given that current and future donations are a bit up in the air, we think this is a prime time to apply for grants to help you accomplish specific projects that may have been on your to-do list for a while. And we’re here to help. Read on for a few tips to get you going…
When it comes to the technical specs of your website’s content management system (CMS), you probably don’t really care… as long as it works. And even though we’re techy website nerds at heart, we totally get that.
Congratulations on your upcoming website kickoff! We’re really looking forward to getting the ball rolling and want to make sure everyone is prepared to make it a productive, successful meeting.
Just when you thought the whole GDPR hubbub was dying down, here comes a Stateside digital privacy law to throw a wrench in your operations. You may not need to make huge changes to your website, but this should definitely be on your radar. So, let’s get right down to it. What is the CCPA, and do you need to hustle to be compliant?
What Is GDPR and How Will It Affect My Website?
With the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) taking effect at the end of May, what do we as site owners need to do to make sure we’re handling the private data of EU citizens in a compliant manner?